Rx-360 Launches New Podcast: The Patient Safety Podcast
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Rx-360 has released the first episode of The Patient Safety Podcast, a new series that explores patient safety in the pharmaceutical ecosystem. Recorded at MNYK Studios in Philadelphia, The Patient Safety Podcast is dedicated to thoughtful conversations between leaders in the pharmaceutical industry. In the inaugural episode, CEO of Rx-360, Jim Fries, spoke with Martin Van Trieste, the current president and CEO of Civica Rx.

Episode 1 of The Patient Safety Podcast: Interview with Martin Van Trieste, CEO of Civica Rx.
Throughout the interview, Fries and Van Trieste discussed the importance of accountability in the pharmaceutical industry, and talked through Rx-360’s origin story. Van Trieste founded the non-profit, member-based Rx-360 in 2009 after noticing there was a key supply chain control metric missing to curb misdemeanor and human error in the creation of pharmaceuticals. The consortium brought together industry thought leaders and organizations to protect patient safety by sharing information.
Van Trieste and Fries also discussed the global supply chain and the larger issue of security. “Supply chain, security, and quality, aren’t always integrated seamlessly, and that creates the opportunity for criminals to exploit the industry. It should be our prerogative as leaders within the pharmaceutical industry to cooperate within our companies, to make sure our missions are aligned, and that one should trust the other… In order to better our industry, we have to become more united against those criminals,” says Van Trieste.
When asked about the future, Van Trieste spoke again on unity—how more suppliers, more executives, and more distributors need to work collaboratively, join Rx-360, and be more proactive in surveillance.
Listen to the full conversation with Jim Fries and Martin Van Trieste at rx-360.org/podcast or on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.
Stay tuned for the next episode of The Patient Safety Podcast with Janet Woodcock, the acting FDA commissioner, hosted by Jim Fries, and launching in February.
About Rx-360
Rx-360 is a non-profit international pharmaceutical supply chain consortium formed in 2009 to support an industry-wide commitment to ensuring patient safety by enhancing quality and authenticity throughout the supply chain. The organization’s mission is to protect patient safety by sharing information and developing processes related to the integrity of the healthcare supply chain and the quality of its materials primarily through its working group and unique audit program.
To learn more visit Rx-360.org or email jfries@rx-360.org.