Rx-360 Supplier Assessment Questionnaire Team Publishes Module 6 – Single Use Bioprocessing Product Questionnaire
The Rx-360 Supplier Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) team, a sub-committee of the Rx-360 Supplier Quality Working Group (SQWG), is very pleased to announce the release of the newest module of the Supplier Assessment Questionnaire Kit: Module 6: Single Use Bioprocessing Product Questionnaire.
This new module is a stand-alone product-specific questionnaire which (1) shall help customers to qualify single-use products for bioprocessing, and (2) shall enable suppliers of single-use products to generate prefilled questionnaires to provide to their customers. Module 6 can be used for individual products as well as for product groups.
For the past 12 months, a team of industry volunteers have been working on the new Module 6. Relevant appendices of the more general Module 3 Product Information, the Rx-360 Audit checklist for single use systems, as well as many of the latest industry concerns and trends, have been incorporated into this effort. Therefore, we believe that Module 6 covers the essential aspects for the qualification of single use products for bioprocessing.
Module 1 (Company), Module 2 (Site), Module 3 (Product Information), Module 4 (Service Supplier), Module 5 (Pre-Audit Questionnaire) & Module 6 (Single Use Bioprocessing Product) are available to download NOW on the Rx-360 website via this link.
To further assist suppliers and end users, the SAQ team will now begin work on updating the modules’ use instructions.
Thank you for your support of Rx-360, the industry leader for Supplier Assessment Questionnaires (SAQ).