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Supplier Assessment Questionnaire
Background on Supplier Assessment Questionnaire
Pharmaceutical manufacturers and industry suppliers recognize the inefficiency and waste of resources when each individual pharmaceutical company creates its own supplier assessment questionnaire. Suppliers routinely exhaust valuable resources continuously completing slightly different forms of substantially similar questionnaires. In order to create the Rx-360 Supplier Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ), the Working Group analyzed numerous sample questionnaires submitted by Rx-360 members.
The Rx-360 SAQ covers standard information that would be included in most supplier assessment questionnaires. The 6-part questionnaire is more detailed than most, but will decrease the number of times that questionnaires will need to be filled out by the supplier, while significantly decreasing the turn-around time back to manufacturers.
The Rx-360 SAQ consists of Six (6) modules:
- Module 1: General Company Information
- Module 2: Specific Site Information
- Module 3: Product Information
- Module 4: Services Supplier
- Module 5: Pre-Audit
- Module 6: Single Use Bioprocessing Product
The Working Group believes the Rx-360 SAQ will create helpful efficiencies for both suppliers and pharmaceutical manufactures alike by:
- Eliminating time-consuming redundancies
- Streamlining the process of approving suppliers
- Allowing comparative analysis of basic information
The Supplier Quality Working Group strongly encourages suppliers and manufacturers to consider adopting the Rx-360 SAQ in standard use.
All modules are available for public download; please submit the form ABOVE for your copy.
Introduction the Format of the SAQ
Rx-360 requests the documents to be used without substantive changes to the text and we ask that companies retain the Rx-360 logo. However, companies using the SAQ are welcome to insert their own company logos in the space provided.
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