Town Hall Meeting with US Customs and Border Patrol Pharmaceutical Center of Excellence and Expertise
Rx-360 wants to personally invite you to a very special Town Hall Meeting that Rx-360 will be hosting as part of our Supply Chain Integrity and COVID-19 initiatives. This Town Hall will be available live […]
Rx-360 Supply Chain Security: Prevention of Re-use of Genuine Packaging Components for Counterfeit Products
Counterfeit medicines are a serious and growing problem. Some estimates indicate that the global trade in counterfeit drugs approaches $200 billion per year. Globalization and the rise of eCommerce and B2B websites help to facilitate […]
Rx-360 Supply Chain Security: A Comprehensive Supply Chain Security Management System Version 2.0
Protecting patients is the obligation of the pharmaceutical industry and is fundamental to our business. Supply Chain Security (SCS) is the prevention, detection, and response to intentional adulteration, theft, counterfeit, and diversion that threaten patient […]
Managing Critical Vendors
Introduction: The manufacture of medical products, drugs and devices is highly regulated all over the world. All aspects of the manufacturing process, from product design to product delivery, require documented procedures. Key points in the […]
Rx-360 Natural Disaster Contingency Planning
As we read the news around the world it almost seems that there is some sort of natural disaster occurring. Hurricanes, monsoons, earthquakes are occurring around the world and when they do they have an […]